Yo podría preguntar, pero el dilema es a quién xd.
Big thanks to Gal-I-Hagen from Norway for (continuous) updates on our Norwegian data, Jum and @tv-julkkis@ for Finnish, Frizzoo and 08-Jacob for Danish, smack! & Thiaguinho.o for Brazilian, scibbi for Italian and floxo for French details, Travis, Unpronouncable, HotelGuy and Keenan for Australian updates, Magnea, LEGOLAS-KLARA, Premium, Pia-Tia and Alexhe for Swedish details and dbgtz, cjames, Zatley and GIGGERAX for (continuous) rare sightings in UK, willischong for Singapore notes, iPod-lover254 for Canadian details. Lots of the less common small pictures, and also most of the UK release dates & details provided by Kardan, much appreciated ! Huge thanks to YodaOfDarkness for all our US data, knife? and skunkboyjr for additions, and JOLE for being helpful on multiple releases. Also huge thanks to Coryza for a lot of dates !