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Hago este tema para comentar sobre la próxima campaña de Habbo; Extraviados en la Jungla. La nueva campaña de Habbo trae varias novedades, de momento solo se han dado a conocer códigos, unos 5 lotes, 4 raros, y un LTD. Además de una buena cantidad de furnis.
73 nuevos furnis alojados en los servidores, (aún sin imagen)
Códigos de la campaña
landing.view.stranded16hut.body=Consigue con este lote una buena colección de EXCLUSIVAS Semillas de Prímula, además de la cabaña abandonada. Ten cuidado con los espíritus hambrientos...
landing.view.stranded16hut.button=Ver el lote
landing.view.stranded16hut.header=Lote Cabaña Abandonada
landing.view.stranded16jungle.body=La zona que rodea este templo es famosa por sus legendarias semillas de Plumeria. ¡Consigue un paquete EXCLUSIVO de ellas con este lote!
landing.view.stranded16jungle.button=Mira el lote
landing.view.stranded16jungle.header=Lote Templo Selvático
landing.view.stranded16lagoon.body=No existe un paraíso tropical mejor que este. ¡Contiene una colección de exclusivas Semillas de Borraja!
landing.view.stranded16lagoon.button=Ver el lote
landing.view.stranded16lagoon.header=Lote Laguna Tropical
landing.view.stranded16line.body=¡La nueva línea de furnis Perdidos en la Jungla ya está aquí! Además, hemos traído de vuelta una selección de antiguos furnis. ¡Ve y echa un vistazo!
landing.view.stranded16line.button=¡Mira los nuevos furnis!
landing.view.stranded16line.header=NUEVO: línea Perdidos en la Jungla
landing.view.stranded16perilous.body=Afila tu machete y consigue una regadera. ¡Este lote viene repleto de exclusiva semillas Dalia! ¡No te quedes sin él!
landing.view.stranded16perilous.button=Ver el lote
landing.view.stranded16perilous.header=Lote Selva Peligrosa
landing.view.stranded16pitcher.body=Esta planta carnívora tiene un monstruoso apetito a píxeles, ¡y no va a renunciar a ellos!
landing.view.stranded16pitcher.button=¡Echa un vistazo al raro!
landing.view.stranded16pitcher.header=Raro Planta Insectívora
landing.view.stranded16pulley.body=¡Hecho a base de madera pixelada! Disponible por tiempo limitado
landing.view.stranded16pulley.button=¡Echa un vistazo al raro!
landing.view.stranded16pulley.header=¡Raro Polea Selvática!
landing.view.stranded16raft.body=Construído por expertos en supervivencia a base de material tropical. ¡Esta balsa es tu mejor opción para escapar de la selva!
landing.view.stranded16raft.button=¡Echa un vistazo al raro!
landing.view.stranded16raft.header=¡Consigue el Raro Balsa de Troncos!
landing.view.stranded16sloth.body=¡El sombrero más fabuloso acaba de llegar a Habbo! ¡Betty la perezosa! ¿Vas a ser el único que no lo tenga?
landing.view.stranded16sloth.button=Ver el sombrero
landing.view.stranded16sloth.header=¡Hazte con el Raro Sombrero Perezoso!
landing.view.stranded16ltd.body=¡Charlie por fin está aquí! Hay un número muy limitado de LTDs disponibles ¿Serás tú el afortunado que consiga uno?
landing.view.stranded16ltd.button=¡Conoce a Charlie!
landing.view.stranded16ltd.header=LTD Charlie el Orangután
landing.view.stranded16boombox.body=Cuando te has perdido en la selva... ¿qué mejor furni puedes tener que una radio? Con ellal estarás al día de todo...
landing.view.stranded16boombox.button=Ver la Radio Boombox
landing.view.stranded16boombox.header=NUEVO: ¡Radio Boombox!
Nota= Las placas no se visualizan ya que aún no han sido subida en los servidores de sulake.
73 nuevos furnis alojados en los servidores, (aún sin imagen)
["jungle_c16_mat3","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."]
["jungle_c16_mat","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."]
["jungle_c16_plant","Jungle Drum Plant","The biggest leaves in the jungle."]
["jungle_c16_pot2","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_pot3","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_pot","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_radio","Jungle Boombox","Your only connection with civilisation."]
["jungle_c16_rafflesia","Rafflesia","A horticultural dead end."]
["jungle_c16_rocks","Basalt Rock","Great for tool sharpening."]
["jungle_c16_roof2","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_roof3","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_roof","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_sacks","Scavenged Supplies","The bare necessities."]
["jungle_c16_stairs2","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_stairs3","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_stairs","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_swingsofa2","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]
["jungle_c16_swingsofa3","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]
["jungle_c16_swingsofa","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]
["jungle_c16_table2","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]
["jungle_c16_table3","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]
["jungle_c16_table","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]
["jungle_c16_tallgrass","Long Grass","A perfect ambush spot..."]
["jungle_c16_tele","Jungle Teleport","Tropical transportation."]
["jungle_c16_tree","Ancient Kapok Tree","As old as the jungle itself."]
["jungle_c16_treestage2","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_treestage3","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_treestage","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_wall2","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]
["jungle_c16_wall3","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]
["jungle_c16_wall","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]
["jungle_c16_watertile","Tropical Pond","100% crystal clear."]
["jungle_c16_watertrap","Tropical Swamp","You should REALLY avoid falling in."]
["jungle_c16_worktable","Survivor's Workbench","Modifies your jungle furni."]
["jungle_ltd16_orangutan","Charlie","Your new best friend."]
["jungle_r16_basket","Jungle Pulley","One very strange contraption."]
["jungle_r16_pitcherplant","Pitcher Plant","The rainforest bathtub."]
["jungle_r16_raft","Log Raft","You can TRY and escape..."]
["jungle_c16_berry2","Blue Berries","Use these to modify furni."]
["jungle_c16_berry","Red Berries","Use these to modify furni."]
["jungle_c16_bkcase2","Survivor's Storage","Hull storage for the stranded."]["jungle_c16_bkcase3","Survivor's Storage","Hull storage for the stranded."]["jungle_c16_bkcase","Survivor's Storage","Hull storage for the stranded."]
["jungle_c16_bridgeend2","Bridge End","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]
["jungle_c16_bridgeend3","Bridge End","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]
["jungle_c16_bridgeend","Bridge End","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]
["jungle_c16_bridgemid2","Bridge Section","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]["jungle_c16_bridgemid3","Bridge Section","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]["jungle_c16_bridgemid","Bridge Section","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]
["jungle_c16_bush","Fuschia Bush","Seriously pungent."]
["jungle_c16_ctrick","Strange Aura","OK. What IS that?"]
["jungle_c16_dvdr2","Jungle Fence","Keep predators OUT."]
["jungle_c16_dvdr3","Jungle Fence","Keep predators OUT."]
["jungle_c16_dvdr","Jungle Fence","Keep predators OUT."]
["jungle_c16_floor","Rainforest Floor","Tarantula territory..."]
["jungle_c16_flowera1","Yellow Plumeria","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowera2","Blue Plumeria","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowera3","Pink Plumeria","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerb1","Yellow Primrose","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerb2","Blue Primrose","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerb3","Pink Primrose","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerc1","Yellow Dahlia","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerc2","Blue Dahlia","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerc3","Pink Dahlia","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerd1","Yellow Starflower","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerd2","Blue Starflower","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerd3","Red Starflower","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_fruits","Exotic Fruits","Not found in supermarkets."]
["jungle_c16_gate2","Leafy Gate","Into the jungle abode."]
["jungle_c16_gate3","Leafy Gate","Into the jungle abode."]
["jungle_c16_gate","Leafy Gate","Into the jungle abode."]
["jungle_c16_light","Firefly Lantern","Rainforest ambience."]
["jungle_c16_mat2","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."]
[["jungle_c16_mat3","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."]
["jungle_c16_mat","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."]
["jungle_c16_plant","Jungle Drum Plant","The biggest leaves in the jungle."]
["jungle_c16_pot2","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_pot3","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_pot","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_radio","Jungle Boombox","Your only connection with civilisation."],["jungle_c16_rafflesia","Rafflesia","A horticultural dead end."]
["jungle_c16_rocks","Basalt Rock","Great for tool sharpening."]
["jungle_c16_roof2","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_roof3","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_roof","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_sacks","Scavenged Supplies","The bare necessities."]
["jungle_c16_stairs2","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_stairs3","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_stairs","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_swingsofa2","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]["jungle_c16_swingsofa3","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]["jungle_c16_swingsofa","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]
["jungle_c16_table2","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]["jungle_c16_table3","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]["jungle_c16_table","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]["jungle_c16_tallgrass","Long Grass","A perfect ambush spot..."]
["jungle_c16_tele","Jungle Teleport","Tropical transportation."]
["jungle_c16_tree","Ancient Kapok Tree","As old as the jungle itself."]
["jungle_c16_treestage2","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_treestage3","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_treestage","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_wall2","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]
["jungle_c16_wall3","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]
["jungle_c16_wall","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]["jungle_c16_watertile","Tropical Pond","100% crystal clear."]
["jungle_c16_watertrap","Tropical Swamp","You should REALLY avoid falling in."]["jungle_c16_worktable","Survivor's Workbench","Modifies your jungle furni."]["jungle_ltd16_orangutan","Charlie","Your new best friend."]
["jungle_r16_basket","Jungle Pulley","One very strange contraption."]
["jungle_r16_pitcherplant","Pitcher Plant","The rainforest bathtub."]
["jungle_r16_raft","Log Raft","You can TRY and escape..."]
["jungle_c16_mat","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."]
["jungle_c16_plant","Jungle Drum Plant","The biggest leaves in the jungle."]
["jungle_c16_pot2","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_pot3","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_pot","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_radio","Jungle Boombox","Your only connection with civilisation."]
["jungle_c16_rafflesia","Rafflesia","A horticultural dead end."]
["jungle_c16_rocks","Basalt Rock","Great for tool sharpening."]
["jungle_c16_roof2","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_roof3","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_roof","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_sacks","Scavenged Supplies","The bare necessities."]
["jungle_c16_stairs2","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_stairs3","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_stairs","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_swingsofa2","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]
["jungle_c16_swingsofa3","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]
["jungle_c16_swingsofa","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]
["jungle_c16_table2","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]
["jungle_c16_table3","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]
["jungle_c16_table","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]
["jungle_c16_tallgrass","Long Grass","A perfect ambush spot..."]
["jungle_c16_tele","Jungle Teleport","Tropical transportation."]
["jungle_c16_tree","Ancient Kapok Tree","As old as the jungle itself."]
["jungle_c16_treestage2","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_treestage3","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_treestage","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_wall2","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]
["jungle_c16_wall3","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]
["jungle_c16_wall","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]
["jungle_c16_watertile","Tropical Pond","100% crystal clear."]
["jungle_c16_watertrap","Tropical Swamp","You should REALLY avoid falling in."]
["jungle_c16_worktable","Survivor's Workbench","Modifies your jungle furni."]
["jungle_ltd16_orangutan","Charlie","Your new best friend."]
["jungle_r16_basket","Jungle Pulley","One very strange contraption."]
["jungle_r16_pitcherplant","Pitcher Plant","The rainforest bathtub."]
["jungle_r16_raft","Log Raft","You can TRY and escape..."]
["jungle_c16_berry2","Blue Berries","Use these to modify furni."]
["jungle_c16_berry","Red Berries","Use these to modify furni."]
["jungle_c16_bkcase2","Survivor's Storage","Hull storage for the stranded."]["jungle_c16_bkcase3","Survivor's Storage","Hull storage for the stranded."]["jungle_c16_bkcase","Survivor's Storage","Hull storage for the stranded."]
["jungle_c16_bridgeend2","Bridge End","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]
["jungle_c16_bridgeend3","Bridge End","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]
["jungle_c16_bridgeend","Bridge End","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]
["jungle_c16_bridgemid2","Bridge Section","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]["jungle_c16_bridgemid3","Bridge Section","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]["jungle_c16_bridgemid","Bridge Section","Traverse the jungle's swamps."]
["jungle_c16_bush","Fuschia Bush","Seriously pungent."]
["jungle_c16_ctrick","Strange Aura","OK. What IS that?"]
["jungle_c16_dvdr2","Jungle Fence","Keep predators OUT."]
["jungle_c16_dvdr3","Jungle Fence","Keep predators OUT."]
["jungle_c16_dvdr","Jungle Fence","Keep predators OUT."]
["jungle_c16_floor","Rainforest Floor","Tarantula territory..."]
["jungle_c16_flowera1","Yellow Plumeria","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowera2","Blue Plumeria","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowera3","Pink Plumeria","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerb1","Yellow Primrose","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerb2","Blue Primrose","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerb3","Pink Primrose","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerc1","Yellow Dahlia","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerc2","Blue Dahlia","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerc3","Pink Dahlia","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerd1","Yellow Starflower","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerd2","Blue Starflower","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_flowerd3","Red Starflower","Use your Watering Can on this."]
["jungle_c16_fruits","Exotic Fruits","Not found in supermarkets."]
["jungle_c16_gate2","Leafy Gate","Into the jungle abode."]
["jungle_c16_gate3","Leafy Gate","Into the jungle abode."]
["jungle_c16_gate","Leafy Gate","Into the jungle abode."]
["jungle_c16_light","Firefly Lantern","Rainforest ambience."]
["jungle_c16_mat2","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."]
[["jungle_c16_mat3","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."]
["jungle_c16_mat","Raffia Mat","Rustique jungle living."]
["jungle_c16_plant","Jungle Drum Plant","The biggest leaves in the jungle."]
["jungle_c16_pot2","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_pot3","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_pot","Hanging Herbs","Poisonous, or medicinal?"]
["jungle_c16_radio","Jungle Boombox","Your only connection with civilisation."],["jungle_c16_rafflesia","Rafflesia","A horticultural dead end."]
["jungle_c16_rocks","Basalt Rock","Great for tool sharpening."]
["jungle_c16_roof2","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_roof3","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_roof","Leafy Roof","Robinson Crusoe would be proud."]
["jungle_c16_sacks","Scavenged Supplies","The bare necessities."]
["jungle_c16_stairs2","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_stairs3","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_stairs","Jungle Stairs","Rise above the spiders."]
["jungle_c16_swingsofa2","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]["jungle_c16_swingsofa3","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]["jungle_c16_swingsofa","Suspended Bench","For those lazy jungle days."]
["jungle_c16_table2","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]["jungle_c16_table3","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]["jungle_c16_table","Jungle table","Stand on it because you live in the jungle like an animal."]["jungle_c16_tallgrass","Long Grass","A perfect ambush spot..."]
["jungle_c16_tele","Jungle Teleport","Tropical transportation."]
["jungle_c16_tree","Ancient Kapok Tree","As old as the jungle itself."]
["jungle_c16_treestage2","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_treestage3","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_treestage","Jungle Platform","Look out for rescuers."]
["jungle_c16_wall2","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]
["jungle_c16_wall3","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]
["jungle_c16_wall","Bamboo Wall","Don't leave the window open at night."]["jungle_c16_watertile","Tropical Pond","100% crystal clear."]
["jungle_c16_watertrap","Tropical Swamp","You should REALLY avoid falling in."]["jungle_c16_worktable","Survivor's Workbench","Modifies your jungle furni."]["jungle_ltd16_orangutan","Charlie","Your new best friend."]
["jungle_r16_basket","Jungle Pulley","One very strange contraption."]
["jungle_r16_pitcherplant","Pitcher Plant","The rainforest bathtub."]
["jungle_r16_raft","Log Raft","You can TRY and escape..."]
Códigos de la campaña
landing.view.stranded16hut.body=Consigue con este lote una buena colección de EXCLUSIVAS Semillas de Prímula, además de la cabaña abandonada. Ten cuidado con los espíritus hambrientos...
landing.view.stranded16hut.button=Ver el lote
landing.view.stranded16hut.header=Lote Cabaña Abandonada
landing.view.stranded16jungle.body=La zona que rodea este templo es famosa por sus legendarias semillas de Plumeria. ¡Consigue un paquete EXCLUSIVO de ellas con este lote!
landing.view.stranded16jungle.button=Mira el lote
landing.view.stranded16jungle.header=Lote Templo Selvático
landing.view.stranded16lagoon.body=No existe un paraíso tropical mejor que este. ¡Contiene una colección de exclusivas Semillas de Borraja!
landing.view.stranded16lagoon.button=Ver el lote
landing.view.stranded16lagoon.header=Lote Laguna Tropical
landing.view.stranded16line.body=¡La nueva línea de furnis Perdidos en la Jungla ya está aquí! Además, hemos traído de vuelta una selección de antiguos furnis. ¡Ve y echa un vistazo!
landing.view.stranded16line.button=¡Mira los nuevos furnis!
landing.view.stranded16line.header=NUEVO: línea Perdidos en la Jungla
landing.view.stranded16perilous.body=Afila tu machete y consigue una regadera. ¡Este lote viene repleto de exclusiva semillas Dalia! ¡No te quedes sin él!
landing.view.stranded16perilous.button=Ver el lote
landing.view.stranded16perilous.header=Lote Selva Peligrosa
landing.view.stranded16pitcher.body=Esta planta carnívora tiene un monstruoso apetito a píxeles, ¡y no va a renunciar a ellos!
landing.view.stranded16pitcher.button=¡Echa un vistazo al raro!
landing.view.stranded16pitcher.header=Raro Planta Insectívora
landing.view.stranded16pulley.body=¡Hecho a base de madera pixelada! Disponible por tiempo limitado
landing.view.stranded16pulley.button=¡Echa un vistazo al raro!
landing.view.stranded16pulley.header=¡Raro Polea Selvática!
landing.view.stranded16raft.body=Construído por expertos en supervivencia a base de material tropical. ¡Esta balsa es tu mejor opción para escapar de la selva!
landing.view.stranded16raft.button=¡Echa un vistazo al raro!
landing.view.stranded16raft.header=¡Consigue el Raro Balsa de Troncos!
landing.view.stranded16sloth.body=¡El sombrero más fabuloso acaba de llegar a Habbo! ¡Betty la perezosa! ¿Vas a ser el único que no lo tenga?
landing.view.stranded16sloth.button=Ver el sombrero
landing.view.stranded16sloth.header=¡Hazte con el Raro Sombrero Perezoso!
landing.view.stranded16ltd.body=¡Charlie por fin está aquí! Hay un número muy limitado de LTDs disponibles ¿Serás tú el afortunado que consiga uno?
landing.view.stranded16ltd.button=¡Conoce a Charlie!
landing.view.stranded16ltd.header=LTD Charlie el Orangután
landing.view.stranded16boombox.body=Cuando te has perdido en la selva... ¿qué mejor furni puedes tener que una radio? Con ellal estarás al día de todo...
landing.view.stranded16boombox.button=Ver la Radio Boombox
landing.view.stranded16boombox.header=NUEVO: ¡Radio Boombox!
SLG00 -SGL10
JNG01 - JNG10
SJG01 - SJG10
SJG11 - SJG20
SLG00 -SGL10
JNG01 - JNG10
SJG01 - SJG10
SJG11 - SJG20
Nota= Las placas no se visualizan ya que aún no han sido subida en los servidores de sulake.
Las nuevas recompensas para Habbo jungle
ACH_Horticulturist1 - ACH_Horticulturist11
Las nuevas recompensas para Habbo jungle
ACH_Horticulturist1 - ACH_Horticulturist11
Objetos de manos que serán dado por alguno de los nuevos furnis, Jungle.
Objetos de manos que serán dado por alguno de los nuevos furnis, Jungle.
Me gustan mucho los handitems, además del gorro, de la campaña. Espero que sea chula y divertida.
En serio el gorro de perezoso va a ser el LTD de la campaña?? Es hermoso pero no lo podré comprar T.T ademas que es un desperdicio de LTD
Hola! Me encanta Habtium, Gracias por visitar mi perfil. Me encanta el fútbol y colecciono autos a escala
Ya se pasaron colocando de LTD al orangután, bueno a ver que tal, espero sea buena campaña, gracias por la info Jorge
Amores de mi vida por siempre Sophia y Diego
Espero que nos sorprendan con la próxima campaña.
El LTD del perezoso me encanta.
El LTD del perezoso me encanta.
Estudiante de Medicina y Profesorado de Inglés. Músico. Auxiliar bilingüe. Escritor empedernido. Amante de la lectura y el café.
Espero que nos sorprendan con la próxima campaña.
El LTD del perezoso me encanta.
LOL no, eso sera un rare parece. Pero no el LTD
¡Has encontrado un último escorpión!
Amores de mi vida por siempre Sophia y Diego
Ojalá sea una buena campaña. Gracias por la info
Vivir la vida locamente
En serio el gorro de perezoso va a ser el LTD de la campaña?? Es hermoso pero no lo podré comprar T.T ademas que es un desperdicio de LTD
qqqq ¿Ese gorro es LTD? No me lo imaginaba ni como raro...
Según los códigos (y lo que llegue a deducir de ellos) podremos esperar de esta campaña:
-Otra mesa de crafteo, pero de jungla
-Ahora seran moras azules y rojas, justo como los cristales
-¿Alguien recuerda el efecto que se alojo de la regadera para plantas?
-Las 4 clases diferentes de semillas junto con sus respectivos 3 tonos de colores se podran activar con el efecto que mencione arriba.
-Al parecer las semillas solo se podran obtener en lotes
Y pues eso es todo lo que los códigos dan a entender, yo no espero que esta campaña sea un boom o algo asi, solo furnis bien hechos. Por cierto, no hace daño leer, eh (indirecta para algunos).
-Otra mesa de crafteo, pero de jungla
-Ahora seran moras azules y rojas, justo como los cristales
-¿Alguien recuerda el efecto que se alojo de la regadera para plantas?
-Las 4 clases diferentes de semillas junto con sus respectivos 3 tonos de colores se podran activar con el efecto que mencione arriba.
-Al parecer las semillas solo se podran obtener en lotes
Y pues eso es todo lo que los códigos dan a entender, yo no espero que esta campaña sea un boom o algo asi, solo furnis bien hechos. Por cierto, no hace daño leer, eh (indirecta para algunos).
landing.view.stranded16ltd.body=Charlie is FINALLY here! There are seriously limited numbers of this LTD available - are you going to get one?
landing.view.stranded16ltd.button=Meet Charlie!
landing.view.stranded16ltd.header=Charlie the Orangutan LTD
Eso será el LTD.
Soy ex-Tradeador y ex Encargado de Furni de Habtium (Mayo '14 - Marzo '16 / Enero '20 - Diciembre '20).
El blog de habbo ha mostrado algunos diseños de los nuevos furnis Jungle ya terminados. Aquí algunas imagenes.
Qué hermosos los furnis!!! A ver su precio que no se pasen
Son buenas noticias... Los furnis se ven bastante bien, espero con ansias la campaña.
Me gustaron mucho los furnis y los handitems
Recordando la web con cariño, entro a la larga. Siempre un morado en el corazón. Eterna Dupla dictadora Jon Lennon/Jose McCartney.
Este suelo se podría mejorar, pienso yo. Aunque está muy bien como está...
Se han alojado los furnis de Habbo Jungle, aquí dejo el LTD orangutan y los 4 rares..
Se han alojado los furnis de Habbo Jungle, aquí dejo el LTD orangutan y los 4 rares..
Que chulos los raros y el orangután. Espero que el LTD no se pase de precio.